Warm Quilts
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About Me
I have enjoyed making quilts for family and friends for several years. Every project provides the opportunity to learn new techniques and experiment with different colors, allowing creativity and a love of fabrics to blend into a work of art.
It has been my pleasure to donate quilts where there has been a need. Thank you for joining me in supporting the important work of the following individuals and organizations: The Gasser Foundation, Napa Women's Emergency Services (NEWS), New Technology High School, St. Helena Hospital, Ronald McDonald House at Stanford - 49-in-9 "Drivin' For The Kids".
Please feel free to contact me if you would like additional information on any of the quilts you see on the Quilts page.
Warm Thanks,
When I give to you
what I make with my hands,
I share my heart.
Unless indicated, all images and writing on this site are my own work.
You are welcome to use anything here that will help you in your quilting journey.
If you're inspired, please give credit back to WarmQuilts.com - Thank you.